Monday, July 18, 2011


Okay - soooo my sister helps keep me on track.  I got a message from her today asking how the books are.  Well.... I didn't read as much as I would have liked.  Vacation was fun, what can I say?  But I did learn some good stuff.
The "Home Baking for Profit" book is the one I started with.  If I could give it a grade I would give it a C.  The author is too into herself.  There is a LOT about her and her self-worth according to her.  She gives some good advice, the one I hadn't really considered was to make cookie dough, make their shapes (not necessarily cut out, could be spoon dropped or hand rolled type) then freeze.  Now I know my sister will say..."I've been telling you that's what I do."  But I will reply "Yes. But.... that's for your sugar cookie dough."  Okay, I'm entitled to having brain farts!  I'm sure anyone that knows me will tell you that I learn the hard way.
Anyway, some of the book doesn't pertain to me and some does.  Then the last 3/4 of her book is recipes.  I haven't tried any but they look promising.  I don't know if I agree on some of her theories.

Here are some of her tips that are interesting:
For most often used ingredients leave a measuring cup or spoon in the ingredient container. (not sure I agree with this one.  Sometimes the metal can react with the ingredients and alter the flavor.  BUT if I was using it everyday that may make the difference in my opinion.)

If you're measuring a dry ingredient, simply tap the measure upside down after use or wipe with a cloth.  These measures don't need washing after each use.  Okay - THAT I can agree with.

To measure sticky ingredients, first pour a small amount of oil into the measure, then pour it out.  

Make up dry mixes by pre-portioning ingredients and put them in labeled and dated plastic bags or containers.  

Clean up as you go along.  

To keep uniform sizes when cutting products, use a ruler or tape measure as a guide. (never really thought of that one!!)

This may be one of those books that would be good to get from the library, but don't waste your money on it.  Unless you're looking for the recipes.  When I try them, I'll let you know.

I haven't started the second book yet.  Its on my list of reads for the summer.

Thank you sister for keeping me on track!  I know that wasn't your intent but it was a good kick in the butt!!

One more thought on the Cottage Food Bill for Washington state - While it goes into affect on July 22nd, the rules still need to be written and committee still needs to be formed, and blah blah blah.  Essentially it will be between 4 and 6 months before anyone can be licensed.  Great.  Back to the drawing board!!

1 comment:

  1. I am wwwwaaaaayyyy behind on your blog. Glad to help! Some very good tips. I love the freezing the drop cookies, hadn't thought of that one. Keep me posted on the other book.

