Thursday, April 28, 2011

Science Book

For Easter my mother-in-law gave me a journal - aka SCIENCE BOOK - to write down all the trials and tribulations!  Her thought was that I should write down what worked, what didn't, what to try next, what definitely needs to be skipped, etc...  My mother-in-law is wonderful.  She really is, and I'm not just saying that because she may read my blog. 

I married my husband, who is an only child - note to self - NEVER marry an only child again!  He had no children of his own and lived across the country from his mother - never really calling her.  What's that saying, a son is a son until he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter her whole life?  I think in this case he became a son when he got a wife.  Or something like that. 

Anyway, we had a child together and moved to Washington state.  His mother lived in Santa Monica.  We encouraged her to move closer so she could develop a relationship with the baby.  I had hoped she would be a grandmother to the other three but never really expecting it to happen.  Well, imagine my surprise when it did.  She loves each of my children as her own. 

Getting back to Easter.  I have to say with all that was going on this weekend, I completely forgot about getting her something for Easter.  Now I feel so bad!  (She's also very understanding) We went to her house for dinner and to celebrate my youngest daughter's birthday.  She had a little something for my oldest daughter, my youngest son, my youngest daughter and ME! 

In the bag was a stack of washcloths.  Umm I can explain.  We had a conversation once about washcloths and how not everyone uses one, even when they were brought up that way.  I made a comment that I am the only one, except my youngest child Avery, that uses washcloths and I use a new one everyday.  I hate it when I run out.  So, she has taken it upon herself to make sure I will never do that.  I've gotten three stacks of washcloths so far!  Along with the washcloths was a notebook to use as my baking journal.  Like she said, I probably wouldn't have bought one for myself - correct - but she thought I would need one with all the testing I would be doing.  How awesome is that?! 

For the first entry - let's start with thoughts on Strawberry Lemonade icing.  I need to figure that out.  It tasted wonderful, but too runny.  I need it light but strong.  That's why I thought about the cream cheese whipped cream icing.  I need a name for that one.  Then add fresh strawberries to it to give it the color and flavor.

Next entry - when using an extract such as Raspberry or Blackberry - do not use too much.  I got some from King Arthur to try.  It was like absinthe!  It tasted like alcohol!!  Whew!!! 

I will have to keep precise documentation for all my experiments!!

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